So I know I have, and possibly will, post about a million blogs about Survivor. I know that it may get boring and annoying as I ramble on about the amazingness that is this show. But instead of rambling on through words, I decided that I may just post some of the greatest moments that I have seen on this show. Hopefully this compilation of videos can maybe convert you to liking the show, maybe increase the curiosity, or tempt you to watch it! All in all, here are some the top moments of Survivor, 10 in fact, but in no particular order.

#1 This Biggest Lie

Survivor 7 – Pearl Islands

This season was pirate themed and was shot in Panama, old-school pirate country. This is one of the greatest lies ever told on Survivor and made Johnny Fairplay one of the greatest villains in history. Here’s how it went down.

Just for clarification, the reason Johnny Fairplay did not make it into the 20th season, Heroes vs Villains, is because he has previously quit the game. For season 16, Fans vs Favourites, he was asked to come back but within 3 days of the show starting he quit. Jeff Probst, the host, says he has little respect for quitters and Johnny Fairplay has lost a lot of fans because of it. Jeff insists that quitters will never get asked back. It’s too bad, he would’ve given Russell a bit of a run I think. If you’d like to see the fall of this infamous villain then click here –  The Fall of Johnny Fairplay

#2 Tyson

Survivor 18 – Tocantins (Brazil) and Survivor 20 – Heroes vs Villains

This guy is possibly the funniest person to ever go on Survivor. It is a shame we didn’t get to see much of him on Survivor 20 but here is just a few of his moments on Tocantins.

#3 Randy Plays A Fake Idol

Survivor 17 – Gabon (Africa)

Randy was one of the most abrasive and obnoxious people to ever play Survivor, which earned him a place in the Villains tribe in Survivor 20, but one of the “Heroes”, Sugar, decided to play a trick on this horrible guy and asked Bob to give Randy his fake idol he made. The rest is shown on the video.

And with that…came this vote.

#4 Billy Falls In Love

Survivor 13 – Cook Islands

This was a guy that was an outcast in his own tribe. His own tribe purposely lost the challenge so they could vote Billy out, but before he left he had an amazing connection with Candice, who is on the “Heroes” tribe in Survivor 20 at the moment. Of course, Billy had no idea. See how it went down.

#5 The Medevac

In Survivor’s history there have been around 7 players who have been evacuated form the game due to medical reasons. Season 2 – The Australian Outback saw Mike Skupin evacuated because he fainted and fell into a fire and he was the first and, until recently, the worst evacuation in Survivor history. Others have been evacuated due to infected limbs or clogged up systems (that’s right, you heard!) but one happened in Survivor 19: Samoa that had Jeff Probst saying that it was “the scariest moment he’s ever had on Survivor”. Here it is

This guy was a major contender to win the game. Rumour has it that there’s a Survivor – “Second Chance” coming in the future (I’lll blog about it in future) so I hope to see him on that big time!

#6 The Dumbest Players Ever

Survivor 16 – Micronesia  Fans vs Favourites

This season had 10 of Survivor’s greatest fans going against 10 of Survivor’s most favourite players which saw how powerful Cirie, Parvati and Amanda can be. But with the birth of three of the most powerful social players came the birth of two of the dumbest – Jason and Erik.

Jason genuinely thought he had an Immunity Idol. Here’s what went down.

and Parvati, Cirie and Natalie told Erik to give up his Immunity necklace to show that he is loyal. If he did that, the girls will vote with him and vote Amanda out. He didn’t believe them did he??

In reference to the new season, Survivor 20, I believe J.T. is not one of the dumbest Survivors ever. He had a legit plan that didn’t work but all credit to him for trying. You’ll hear me ramble about it in a future blog I’m sure.

#7 Coach

Survivor 18: Tocantins (Brazil) and Survivor 20: Heroes vs Villains

Coach will go down as one of the most memorable people ever to play Survivor. This is his trip to Exile Island, where one or two people become exciled and become banished to another island by themselves with no water or food. This short clip just sums up the character that made up the “Villain” himself. It’s too bad he didn’t last long on Survivor 20.

#8 Piracy – Rupert as Blackbeard

Survivor 7 – Pearl Islands

This clip shows the birth of one of the most favourite Survivors of all time and, for that, recieved $1 million despite not winning the game. He has always been known as the “pirate” of Survivor as he has many stereotypical features of one. You’ll see from this clip – the first episode of his first season.

#9 The Biggest Villain in Survivor History

Survivor 19: Samoa and Survivor 20: Heroes vs Villains

“It took the 19 seasons to find me!” These are the words of one of the most notorious and infamous villains in the 10 years and 20 seasons of Survivor. He is out to make his own tribe weak and make everyone his puppets. The self-confessed “Idol King” and “King of Survivor” has made himself into the biggest power-player since Richard Hatch, the winner of the first season, and Boston Rob. And with his right-hand lady, Parvati who has won in Survivor 16, they are controlling the new Survivor 20. His name is Russell Hantz.

Here is evidence of his handiwork, and the work of his “Queen” Parvati.


Heroes vs Villains – the fight against Boston Rob

#10  Survivor 20 – Heroes vs Villains

As said before, this show has gone on for 10 years and 20 seasons! That is unbelievable! I know it has already started but I thought I’d put in a video of the preview for the best season of Survivor ever.

There you have it! Some of the best moments of Survivor. Some moments unfortunately did not make it. I do apologise also for the length of the blog. Take your time going through them all as they ALL are great moments from a great show. I promise, more blogs are going to be about other stuff too! So stay tuned!

Before you go, I will leave you with this Survivor moment. One of the funniest tribal councils ever. And it happened way back in the 1st ever season 10 years ago. Thanks guys!